
Quiz Answers

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* Othello is synonymous with:


Answer: Shakespeare

If you haven’t experienced Othello yet, chances are, you will. College professors love this literary “genius.”

From Wikipedia: Othello, The Moor of Venice is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to be written approximately 1603. The work revolves around four central characters: Othello, his wife Desdemona, his lieutenant Cassio, and his trusted advisor Iago.

Summary of Othello by William Shakespeare


 * Is this sentence active or passive: Maureen was presented an award by


Answer: Passive

In a case like this, I always look for the subject. What is the subject? Who is doing the presenting? … And it’s at the end of the sentence. Does that seem right? Think back to grade school. A subject begins a sentence, right? But how’s that possible. It’s obviously at the end. So that means this sentence is passive.

Plus, another dead give-away is the word “by.” Whenever you see this word, it almost always indicates that the sentence is passive. Why should you care? Well, because one day your professor may insist you write all papers in “active” voice, which simply means no passive sentences like the one above.

How to make this sentence active: presented Maureen an award.


* A proton is negatively charged: True or False?




Answer: False

A proton is a positively charged elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of all atomic nuclei.*

An electron is an elementary particle with negative charge.**

*Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2006.
** WordNet 3.0, 2006 by Princeton University.

* The Earth rotates on what is called:




Answer: an axis

From Wikipedia (try wrapping your head around this!): In astronomy, axial tilt is the inclination angle of a planet’s rotational axis in relation to a perpendicular to its orbital plane. It is also called axial inclination or obliquity. The axial tilt is expressed as the angle made by the planet’s axis and a line drawn through the planet’s center perpendicular to the orbital plane.


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