
Narrative Essay for College: A Visit to the Past

November 11, 2010

I wrote this narrative essay for a U.S. history course (also known as a personal essay). I asked the professor, beforehand, if I could write a creative essay, rather than the usual suspects that professors usually anticipate. She was thrilled that I wanted to personalize the experience of visiting a historical landmark in New York [...]

How Our Education Systems Are Failing And Need Revamping

August 11, 2008

by Mr. Hans   We don’t need no education We don’t need no thought control All in all it’s just another brick in the wall All in all you’re just another brick in the wall -Pink Floyd Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS

Should Ph.D.s Be Referred To As ‘Doctor?’

June 27, 2008

by V Berba Velasco Jr.   In recent years, I’ve frequently heard people claim that individuals who hold PhDs are not “real” doctors. These people assert that only physicians can rightfully claim this title, and that it’s inappropriate for PhD-holders to use this term. Frankly, I’m surprised. I thought it was common knowledge that there [...]

Can I Convince My Friend to go Back to College?

May 22, 2008

All I Could See was her Life in Squalor, a Baby on the Hip, and a Minimum Wage Paycheck Without a College Education

Is Getting Straight A’s in College Overrated?

May 22, 2008

Believe it or not, it’s hard to fail a college class. That is, if you show up at least most of the time to listen to the professor’s lecture; read at least 80 percent of the assigned homework in the textbook; and have the capacity to learn through repetition. Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS

Book Publishers Sue College for Copyright Infringement

May 22, 2008

When Google announced they were going to scan books for the Web, authors in my circle screamed “Copyright Infringement!” But when colleges scan textbooks, what’s it called? … Borrowing?