
How to Calculate Your GPA

August 9, 2008

Grade point average or in short, GPA, plays a pivotal role in the life of a student as throughout his or her college years and later in his or her career; a person’s smartness as well as intelligence is judged by the GPA that one is holding. Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS

Theses and Dissertations: A Guide to Planning, Research, and Writing

July 8, 2008

By R. MURRAY THOMAS and DALE L. BRUBAKER Click here to read the complete version of Theses and Dissertations: A Guide to Planning, Research, and Writing at Traditionally in academia, the two main purposes of master’s-degree and doctoral projects are (a) to provide graduate students guided practice in conducting and presenting research and (b) [...]

Rewiring Your Ancient Memory for New Learning

May 16, 2008

Anyone can learn. Granted, it may take your mature brain a little longer than others, but it still holds the capacity to do so. You need to be willing to accept change, throw out all of the old wives tales and unlearn many things you have learned up until this point. Learning is a life-long, [...]

Sample College Essays

May 16, 2008

This article is a continuation of Building a College Essay. I’ve inserted a few more sample college essays and response papers I’ve written for classes. A response paper is a little different than a traditional essay because the professor wants your response to a particular written or visual work. Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS

Building a College Essay

May 16, 2008

The TEEP structure is the best advice I received from an English writing professor, one that I still use today. The structure is especially great when one has writer’s block. There are four things to remember when building an essay: TEEP – Topic sentence, Explanation, Example and the Point. Just string those sentences together. That’s [...]

College Essay Writing

May 16, 2008

Not everyone is familiar with college essay writing. A longtime friend of mine, who had decided to go back to college at 34 years old, called me one afternoon in sheer panic: “I have to write a 1200-word essay! I don’t remember how to write a college essay! How do you write an essay? I’m [...]

The Other Nightmare: Algebra for College Students

May 14, 2008

Algebra for college students is oftentimes a nightmare, especially for older students who have probably forgotten how to do, for example, algebraic equations. That x+7=10 horror show? Obviously, the answer is 3. Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS