
Female Teachers Transfer their Math Anxiety to Girls

January 29, 2010

Some people are just not math people. But according to a new study by the University of Chicago, one person’s math anxiety can be transferred to another. Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS

To be Educated, or not to be Educated, that is the Question: A Look at Education and Salary Statistics

January 2, 2010

by Victoria Rodriguez Baziuk Going back to school can be a challenge in itself, especially once a person has settled nicely into a long-term career, and has established tenor with the company in which they are working. But what is the low down on education and salary? Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS

Fake College Degrees: How to Know Real From Phony

December 15, 2009

By Diana Bocco Fake college degrees are a relatively new business. Before the Internet started reaching every home, in the mid-80s, it was almost impossible for phony colleges to reach potential customers. The need for degrees, continuing education and career advancement, however, has always been there, and fake college degrees Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS

Adults Wish They had a “Do Over” in High School

October 6, 2009

Many nontraditional students are getting a “do over” in college, but in high school? Well, some adults want a do over in high school too. Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS

Majors in College Affect Religion

August 5, 2009

A new study shows that what a student majors in college affects his or her religion. For example, college students who major in humanities and social sciences are likely to become less religious and students who major in education are likely to become more religious. Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS

Time Management: Help or Hindrance?

May 24, 2008

by Brenda Lenz Time management. What is it and what does it mean? Well, obviously, it means to manage time. But what is it, really? Is it an art? Is it a vehicle for perfectionism? Is it something to keep control freaks busy? Or, is it simply a waste of time? Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS