
Cubicles: The Art of Working With Distractions

September 23, 2008

By Melissa Nykorchuk Working in an office today is nothing like it used to be. Forget four walls and a door that you can close. Having an office in today’s thrifty business world can mean nothing more than three short cubicle walls with no privacy and the ability to hear everything within a twenty-foot radius. [...]

Age Discrimination in the Workplace

May 11, 2008

You don’t have to tell your employer your age in a job interview. In fact, age discrimination in the workplace is illegal. It’s unlawful for an employer to specify age preferences in a job ad unless the age is a “bona fide occupational qualification.” Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS

Corporate Culture: The Size of a Company

May 11, 2008

What size company would you like to work for?–a large corporation, mid-size company or a boutique, family-size business. The right type of company will make all the difference of whether or not you feel like you’re stuck in a cubicle with three walls and a bottomless pit as a floorboard. Share and Enjoy:FacebookTwitterGoogle BookmarksemailPrintPDFStumbleUpondel.icio.usYahoo! BuzzPing.fmRedditDiggLiveLinkedInMySpaceTechnoratiRSS